This is based on my experiences. Almost a month I scan, format, and wipe my flash disk. Finally conclusion appeared in my mind.
Please note, these technique work for me and maybe don’t work for you. If your Flash Disk is under warranty it is better to get new one before your try these techniques. Try to read your i/o flash disk with some utilities so you know it is not physically damaged. I use Ontrack Easy Recovery Professional which has Data Advisor diagnostic features because I think it work on flash disk too.
These Techniques are works for flash disk drive / pen drive.
- Multi Volume Message.
-> Just format your removable disk. You will find some hidden file after that.
- File Can Not be Deleted Message.
-> If this file is not contain or not virus, do scan disk. How do I find it is under virus or not? The answer is I don’t know it either. There are several trick to know it but I can’t write it know because the virus issues has been rapidly grown up.
- No Disk Inserted Message.
-> Format it! If you can’t format it, it means you can’t fix your flash disk. Format it with FAT 32, not FAT 16 or you will be sorry. It is worked! If it is not, I cannot help you.
- FlashDisk Full Message.
-> Format it with FAT 32, not FAT 16 or you will be sorry. Some time is working, some time is not depend on your flash disk condition.
- Write Protected Error Message.
-> This message only can be repaired by destroyed data utility or wipe utility. This software work for deleted or formatted data to be destroyed and can’t be recovered. I used Ace Utilities that has 4 methods, Pseudorandom Data, US DoD 5220 22-M (8-306./E), DoD 5220 22-M (8-306./E,C and E), and Gutmann. After that you can check your flash drive with Format Recovery, not Delete Recovery, because they are different. I use Ontrack Easy Recovery Professional. . If it doesn’t work, format it first then wipe it.
-> If you cannot fix it, see the progress bar of wipe utillity. It is finish or not. If not you can not fix it with any utility. First try low level format first. I don't know what kind utility to work with but I think it will work.
-> This the last. Try copy large file into your flash disk. The bigger file better result. Then when after you copy it, "Write Protected Error Message" will appear. Don't worry! After this you will face Problem no.8 "My File is Empty but Used Space is Above xxMB".
- I/O Device Error Message.
-> Same with previous error. This message only can be repaired by destroyed data utility or wipe utility. This software work for deleted or formatted data to be destroyed and can’t be recovered. I use Ace Utilities that has 4 wipe methods, Pseudorandom Data, US DoD 5220 22-M (8-306./E), DoD 5220 22-M (8-306./E,C and E), and Gutmann. After that you can check your flash drive with Format Recovery, not Delete Recovery, because they are different. I use Ontrack Easy Recovery Professional. If it doesn’t work, format it first then wipe it.
- My Total Capacity is less than The Original Total Capacity.
-> I don’t know how to fix it because I never face it before. My analysis, same with Write Protected Error Message, is format it first then wipes it.
- My File is Empty but Used Space is Above xxMB (xx is Number)
-> Symptom’s are almost same with Write Protected Error Message but it can not be fixed. I tried to use hdd regenerator that working on hard disk but no flash disk drive found. If you format it, Write Protected Error Message will appear. What should I do? Never mind. Just use your flash disk. If Write Protected Error Message appears, format it. Then Write Protected Error Message will appear after you copy some big files into it. Don’t worry. Click OK Button. You can still use your flash drive but you lose certain space.
I hope everyone is having fun if these methods don’t work. Otherwise YELL at me please...