Sunday, October 4, 2009

I’m not Jobless

Recently I didn’t post because I’ve got several training from company I work with. I have felt that I become busy man although I don’t. Still I want to continue express my electronic and programming experience in this blog. Still I’ll do research and simulate all I know.

Recently I have not updated my chess engine at all. It is still not finished yet. Still 0 %. But I will continue to do programming again. Then finally upload my first game. is not over.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chess Engine for Chess Robot

At this moment I prepare for making chess robot which implement machine vision, robot arm, and chess engine. One of my parts is making chess engine. I can make the pc board myself. But still until now I haven’t finished chess engine. I have three task, they are pc board, chess engine, board recognition, and chess symbol recognition.

Back to chess engine, I make chess engine with C++. Based on C application on tree, I want to make it can analyze the best move based on n-steps prediction. I found that best moved is based on sum of score of every single move.

Chess engine I make is black or white. Extra point I make is easy to plug with another board that other people make. Chess board and chess engine I talk is not like in other web. I still beginner and some engine take years to beat its programmer. Hmmm.

In other to make great chess engine is mastering tree. I start learning tree 2 weeks ago even though I have ever made it some years ago. Then I realize the problem is not about tree but processing and memory. Controlling both of them is very difficult. My chess engine is about 0.5%.

So when will I finish my chess robot?


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mastering Visual C++ 6 in One Month through Planet Source Code and Ebooks

Mastering does not just know the basic but master every single thing that Visual C++ could. So I was looking for source code that can be downloaded for free. So I opened Planet Source Code.

I downloaded a lot source codes. Every code about chess and image and also visual c++ written were downloaded by me. But as guest I could download 5 only.

How do I download source code or anything from low security website? Then I used page FRAME so I can download them all. Hehehe. Thank you Planet Source Code.

Ebooks that I am using now are different from before. Here is the list
1> Programming Windows with MFC 2nd ed by Jeff Prosise
2> Developing Professional Applications in Windows 98 and NT Using MFC by Marshall Brain and Lance Lovette
3> MFC Black Book by Al Williams
4> Learn the MFC C++ Classes by Shirley Wodtke

Now I announce my self that I am now Intermediate Visual C++ Programmer although I haven’t finished my Chess Game Programming Project with Visual C++ 6. Ask to me if you have some question. I would likely to help anyone.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Visual C++ is very difficult

It’s very surprising that Visual C++ 6 is very difficult. My latest promoter said, “You better use Visual C++ 2005 or above than Visual C++ 6”.

My programming language background is C. I could handle TURBO C Compiler, Code Vision, Micro C, and CCS C Compiler. I used TURBO C at my first semester. Code Vision, Micro C, and CCS C are C Compiler for microcontroller.

Then I know my weakness. I weak at object oriented programming. I thought I can program “object oriented” Visual C++ 6 as easy as Visual Basic. Then I read these several ebooks that I downloaded from gigapedia and flazx even though they are not very useful.

1. mastering visual c++ 6
2. Fast Track Visual C++ 6 Programming
3. Visual C++ 6 The Complete Reference
4. SAMS Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21Days
5. Visual C++ 6 For Dummies

The last three ebooks are the best one for me because I am newbie, maybe. Thank you for all free ebooks. But are they really free or not?

Please suggest me the best Visual C++ 6 book!


Next Programming project

This is my second project that I post in this blog. This is not my own project. I just assist Mr. X to finish his bachelor thesis. Then the title is…. Still don’t know the title. Theme is hand machine, machine vision, and chess game engine.

I just do chess game engine. The engine I make is not engine made by me, but MIGOYA chess engine. Then several problems occur.

1. Mr. X is using Visual C++ 2008 for his final project but my computer couldn’t handle it. So I use

2. Visual C++ 6 even though I am newbie at Visual C++.
MIGOYA chess engine is build with Visual Basic.

Thanks for MIGOYA. I now can work to finish my task, Chess Game Engine.


Thursday, June 11, 2009



Finally again I’m post this blog,

I’m currently fresh graduate of some university. Thank you for all of your support. Finally I finished my Sound Tracker Mobile Robot. Although I finished my thesis for three semesters, I certainty believe that my skill is useful for nowadays technology. However…

Now global crisis haunt me. People are fired especially from electronic company including Nokia, Sony, and so on. Can my skill be useful for nowadays technology?

I am currently job seeker. For the time being I spent my time with Programming DirectX, Learning Japanese, and Preparing TOEFL. Please support me! Then the extra point is I want to do posting at least every week.

Why DirectX, Japanese, and TOEFL?


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